David M
Some thoughts
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Quotations out of context about David M
The Good...- "My hat is off to David M."--Hugh Hewitt
- "David M. has done some admirable detective work.... thanks to David M. for his own research."--Betsy Newmark
- "Outstanding shoe-leather work"--Rathergate.com's Kevin Craver
- "Watchdogging the good ol' MSM"--OxBlog
- "David M... takes the political temperature."--Instapundit
- "Fine blog"--Craig Newmark
- "The David M blog catches Howell Raines in an embarrassing quotation. You remember Howell Raines, don't you? He used to be editor of the New York Times — before he got fired."--American Thinker
- "Heh"--Andrew Sullivan
- "Double-heh"--Bill at INDC Journal
- "A testament to the potential of citizen journalism"--Slant Point
- "An astronishing yet unsurprising statistic unearthed by blogger David M."--Andrew Sullivan
- "...computed the percentages of Kerry contributions over Bush"--The Wall Street Journal
- "Getting a great deal of attention from all over"--Neolibertarian Network
- "David M's reporting suggests that a major left-wing polemicist is calling the shots at CJR without any mention on the masthead."--Power Line
- "My hat's off to you guy. You've beaten the MSM at their own game"--Mediacrity
- "Kudos to DavidM and his blog"--Michael Petrelis
- "David M takes a closer look at Yale's claim..."--TownHall.com's Clint Taylor
- "Media Reporting Blog Style: Calling CNN on the carpet..."--Nashville Scene
- "Doing a truly phenomenal job"--Moonbat Central
- "The news was broken by blogger David M "--National Journal's Blogometer
- "Another case of a blogger breaking a story and establishment media following up on it"--Accuracy in Media
- "On the subject of 'spins of omission,' CJR doesnt have much room to talk, given the glaring sin of omission at CJR that blogger David M uncovered last week"--National Review's Media Blog
- "Kudos to David M.... Amazing what a guy and his pajamas can accomplish these days."--Matt Duffy
- "Website Of The Day: David M"--John Hawkins, Right Wing News
- "Excuse me, am I hallucinating, or has a blog--the "David M Blog"--totally wiped up the floor with the media on a major story, and nobody is pretending to notice?" --Brenda Ross
- "David M explores the opposite of reason"--Ed Driscoll
- "David M has the smoking gun"--Darrell Vaughn
- "In other Bush news, check this..."--Tim Blair
- "Give Good David his due credit"--Chris Berg
- "David M... smelled something funny and decided to dig deeper."--The [D.C.] Examiner
- "Holding the MSM accountable to the public"--CAMERA/Snapshots
- "David M has done a thorough fisking of this definition of 'fisking'"--LGF Dictionary
- "David M, on the other hand, is not entirely convinced"--CJR Daily
- "David M provides one more reason to be glad that we won't be swearing in a President Kerry tomorrow."--Betsy's Page
- "David M has looked further..."--Glenn Reynolds
- "Simpleminded"--Raving Athiest
- "I'm afraid David M isn't really up to speed"--Blithering Bunny
- "Perfect example of how bloggers are amateurs"--James Taranto
- "You try to be nice...and they throw stuff at you."--John Derbyshire
- "David M mocks the left. No apology."--Don Surber
- "You gotta admire a guy who'll stick it to the media and the universities in one fell swoop"--Conservative Edge
- "A SPANKING..."--Glenn Reynolds
- "Here's a sample of what 'unhinged' means"--Captain's Quarters
About David M
Most recent posts
- Seven-fifty, seven-fifty, do I hear eight hundred?
- Memo to John Derbyshire re: bumpy tongue
- Worthless United Nations
- Reading list
- Like a laser beam
- Yes, Virginia
- Vacation
- The 1972 gold medal basketball game revisited?
- Criteria for success
- "The press as you know it has ceased to exist"
Tsunami Pics
If you've arrived here via a search for tsunami photos, check out these posts:Some popular posts on this blog
- Now and then
- Administration vindicated. Press buries the lead
- Serial plagiarism exposed
- Political giving at Ivy League schools
- Cribbage, Derbyshire and Seuss
- Foreigners for Kerry
- Iraq planned WMD programs. NYT misses headline
- MSNBC's O'Donnell: Bush's God attractive to "very simple-minded religious people"
- John Edwards and dividend taxes
- Muggins!
Shameless self-promotion
Some of the folks who've cited, linked or reprinted David M's posts:- Instapundit, 2, 3
- Michelle Malkin , 2
- Andrew Sullivan
- Betsy's Page, 2, 3, 4, 5
- NewsMax.com
- The Corner, 2, 3, 4
- Power Line
- The Wall Street Journal
- FrontPage Magazine
- USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review
- Students for Academic Freedom
- Catholic Exchange
- Ashland U�s Ashbrook Center Blog, No Left Turns
- Watcher of Weasels
- The Dartmouth Review�s Dartlog
- Petrelis Files
- Common Sense Chronicles
- The Village Voice
- Silent Communication

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